Arctic biophysical and climate systems are deeply intertwined with global processes, so dramatic changes in the Arctic region are likely to be felt elsewhere. For example, Arctic shifts may trigger impacts outside of the Arctic including tropical forests turning to savannahs, monsoon systems weakening, and coral reefs becoming dominated by algae, all of which will have extensive consequences for humans across the world. Limited knowledge exists about the interconnections between the Arctic's changing environment and socioecological systems across the world. The diverse but uneven effects of Arctic regime shifts on ecosystems and cultural systems highlights the need for research to better understand these Arctic-global interconnections. This project gathers scientists and researchers for two workshops to address how transformations in the Arctic affect human well-being in global environments, in light of the rapid changes undergoing in the Arctic.
NSF Futures 2014-18
CENHS 2014-18
Ciriacy-Wantrup 2013-14
NSF Arctic Gas 2011-13